key: Workshop

  • Ubiquitous Robot Control Through Multimodal Motion Capture Using Smartwatch and Smartphone Data

    Presented as an interactive poster with motion capture game at the ICRA24 Workshop – Advancing wearable devices and applications through novel design, sensing, actuation, and AI. Abstract: We present an open-source library for seamless robot control through motion capture using smartphones and smartwatches. Our library features three modes: Watch Only Mode, enabling control with a…

  • Enabling Stateful Behaviors for Diffusion-based Policy Learning

    Presented at the ICRA 2024 Workshop—Back to the Future: Robot Learning Going Probabilistic. The full paper is published at IROS 2024. Abstract: While imitation learning provides a simple and effective framework for policy learning, acquiring consistent actions during robot execution remains a challenging task. Existing approaches primarily focus on either modifying the action representation at…

  • Probabilistic Differentiable Filters Enable Ubiquitous Robot Control With Smartwatches

    Received a monetary prize and got selected for a 10min spotlight presentation! Thanks very much to the organizers of the Differential Robotics Workshop at IROS 23. Ubiquitous robot control and human-robot collaboration using smart devices poses a challenging problem primarily due to strict accuracy requirements and sparse information. This paper presents a novel approach that…